nic + george's wedding at Black Barn, Havelock North, NZ
Just before Christmas last year, Nic and George got married at Black
Barn in Havelock North and I had the pleasure to photograph their
special day. I met both of them a couple of weeks ago, on their return
from London where they had been living for a few years. I instantly
felt comfortable with them, they were happy, laid back, smiley, just
charming. And this is exactly how I would describe their wedding. I
spent a lovely day with them. Everything went smoothly, nic and george
were so relaxed and every one around them felt that nice vibe. Here are
some of the photos of their wedding. They are quite ecclectic, as some
were taken in the Black Barn vineyards and others at one of my
favourite shops in Havelock North, Blue Moon (owned by Lorraine and
Sandra, two lovely ladies who I have got to know lately through several
photo shoots at their shop, more on these in later posts).
avant Noel l'année derniere, j'ai eu le plaisir de photographier le
mariage de Nic et George, deux néo-zélandais qui habitaient jusqu'alors a
Londres. Je les ai rencontrés seulement deux semaines avant le grand
jour et j'ai immédiatement succombée a leur charme. Ces deux jeunes
personnes allaient se marier a Black Barn a Havelock North dans l'ile du
nord de la Nouvelle Zelande, et ils étaient heureux, souriants et
extremement relax.
Voici quelques photos de leur mariage. Elles
sont assez éclectiques dû au fait qu'ils avaient chois deux endroits
totalement différents pour les photos: les vignobles de Black Barn et un
magasin de mobilier et de jolies choses pour la maison tres intéressant, comme vous le verrez sur les
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